

是的. 我们设计这些事件是为了相互建立. We try not to duplicate sessions or information at the events, as each event has a specific mission. The intention of 取向 is to welcome you and your family/guests to our campus community and to build a shared understanding of

  • 学术的期望
  • 学生的责任
  • ladbrokes立博中文版

This also includes time for taking care of essential business prior to August, such as

  • 访问您的学生MyCSC仪表板
  • FAFSA和其他财政援助项目
  • 了解如何支付账单

We want you to be prepared and feel comfortable starting at Chadron State College. There are several dates to choose from, so it is our hope one will work with your schedule.

The intention of 入学 and Welcome Week is to allow you to move into your residence hall and acclimate to Eagle campus life.  现在是我们欢迎你加入鹰家的时候了. There are important informational sessions to prepare you for the expectations we have of Eagle students in the classroom and the campus community, 除了好玩, 社会活动,了解你的同龄人和上层学生领袖. This time will also connect you to your academic department and the courses you will take within your major during your time at CSC.


You will receive an email which will allow you to sign up for a date that works for you.


绝对! Family members and other supportive guests benefit from the sessions as much as students, 我们鼓励他们参加迎新和入住. At 入学, there are also guest specific sessions for family members and supportive guests. 

信息 about changing guests will be communicated in the event communications sent to you prior to the event.

7月, you will register your guests for 入学 (if they are different than the guests your brought to 取向). 

你将被收取100美元的迎新费, which covers the cost of the 取向 and 入学 events for you and two (2) guests.


你总共可以带两位客人来参加这些活动. The sessions require your full participation and may make for a long day for children.

额外的客人: 您可以注册其他客人,除了您的两个客人,在 招生 form. You will be charged $50 for each additional guest you register 10 years of age or older.

请联系 取向@alexiskunst.net 有问题吗?. 


我们鼓励所有新生参加迎新活动. New students and transfer students are welcome to attend any one of the orientation dates listed below. 


  • 4月14日th – This day is reserved for student athletes and will cover information regarding athletics at CSC.
  • 6月9日星期五th
  • 6月10日星期六th
  • 6月26日星期一th
  • 7月21日星期五st
  • 7月22日星期六nd


  • 7月8日星期五(上午9-11点)
  • 7月17日星期一(下午11-1:30)
  • 7月27日星期四(下午5-8点)
  • 8月1日星期二(下午5-8点)

You can order your textbooks from the comfort of your own home with CSC's fully online bookstore. CSC在校园内没有实体书店. CSC网上书店的链接可以在这里找到: 网上书店. 请注意, 材料是按学期采购的, you may not be able to purchase until course materials are updated for each semester.

It is important you have your books by the first day of classes on Monday, August 21. 为了确保准时送达,我们鼓励您提前订购图书.

如果您在8月1日之后订购书籍, 请计划将它们运送到你在乍得的地址.

提示: 如果您计划将您的教科书运送到CSC宿舍, 你必须使用正确的邮寄地址. 千万不要用1000 Main Street. 请阅读有关的资料 运送包裹到CSC或联系CSC收发室.


Details about Fall 2023 入学 and Welcome Week will be published during Summer 2023. 请在那个时候查看更多的信息. 

  1. 确保您可以访问和浏览您的MyCSC和EagleMail帐户. 只有在这里才能看到你的经济资助, 账单, 课程表和待办事项清单, 是通过你的MyCSC账户吗. 勤工俭学信息, 在线课程和信息电子邮件仅发送到您的EagleMail帐户.

  2. Prior to 入学, contact your roommate to get to know them and decide who is bringing what. 如果您对住房有疑问或担忧, 请直接致电308-432-6355与他们联系,或访问 住房的网页.

  3. 小心家里的邮箱. 我们将在邮件中向您和您的父母/客人发送几封通信. It is important that you read everything we send and call us if you have questions.

  4. 有计划支付CSC秋季账单吗. Your bill will be generated in July and you must have a plan to pay it by the deadlines as stated by the 业务办公室.
  • If you apply and pay the non-refundable deposit by the Early Decision deadline of April 1, 你将在五月底收到录取信息.
  • If you apply after April 1, you will receive placement information over the summer.

You are encouraged to contact your roommate over the summer and to get to know them before you move-in. 如果你觉得这可能不是最好的室友搭配, you should let the housing office know right away so they can attempt to find you a new roommate before you move-in.


有关住房的更多信息,请访问 房地产网站.


Parents/Guests will need to make off-campus lodging arrangements for 取向 and 入学. You are encouraged to book your lodging early for 入学, hotels fill up fast.

也, you may want to consider extending your stay to take advantage of some of the outdoor activities and attractions Chadron has to offer. 请查看 酒店信息 选项卡获取更多信息.


为取向, you may want to bring money to check out some of the restaurants or shopping in town, as well as our CSC Game Day store on campus will be open for you to purchase CSC apparel and gifts.

一旦你搬进来, your CSC Fall Bill needs to be paid in full or a payment plan arranged by the end of the second week of classes.  您可以在网上付款,也可以亲自到商务办公室付款. 看看商务办公室的网站 付款计划信息.

If I have specific questions during these events, will offices be open to assist me?

CSC的大部分办公室周一至周五早上7:30开放.m. 到下午4:30.m. During both 取向 and 入学 we provide time for you to visit with individual offices/departments to take care of specific questions/concerns. It is our goal that you leave these events having your questions answered and understanding the next steps, 如果有必要的话. 


要注册,你需要完成你的 招生 报名参加秋季学期的课程. 如果你住在CSC宿舍, you must have submitted your housing reservation form and paid the non-refundable housing deposit.




学生在完成课程后入学 招生 form. One of the most important sessions during 取向 is meeting with a professional advisor to understand your fall schedule. 你也有机会做出必要的日程调整. We pre-build your course schedule because it saves time at the event (rather than starting from scratch), and we want to enroll you as soon as we are able to maximize course availability. Usually, you will see a course schedule about a week or so after completing the 招生 form.


我们明白,生活就是这样发生的. 你可能住得离学校太远,不能多次往返, 可能有其他的义务使你不能参加预定的活动, 或者你没按时完成 招生 活动的表格和登记已经关闭. 虽然我们鼓励亲自参加,充分享受的经验, we offer Online 取向 dates as well to accommodate those who have far to travel or are unable to make it to Chadron.  如果你在秋季准备参加CSC时有任何问题, 请联系START办公室寻求帮助 start@alexiskunst.net.

如果计划改变,你可以参加一个活动,请发电子邮件 orentation@alexiskunst.net 如果有空位,请至少在活动日期前一周登记.